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Our recipes and tips for cooking from scratch. Find out how we lost weight too.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Winning the weight loss battle

Why are we continuing to lose weight? How are we losing weight? These are the questions we are asked time and time again. When we bump into people we haven't seen for a while, they are amazed at our weightloss. They cannot understand that we have come up with our own solution and lost the weight. We show people the food we are eating, and they cannot believe it.
More often we receive the comment that we both look so 'well'. Friends often point out that our skin looks fabulous and we just look so healthy. Perhaps this has got something to do with the wide variety of food we are eating - nothing is banned. While it's great to receive these kind comments, they actually reflect how we feel. We feel healthier, brighter and lighter.
By not following a diet, and doing our 'own thing' we are continuing our slow but steady weight loss. ONE of the main ingredients of our success has been understanding "CALORIES" (please click on the link).

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