Google+ WEIGHT GAIN AFTER A NIGHT OUT? |Forget dieting forever

Our recipes and tips for cooking from scratch. Find out how we lost weight too.

Saturday 8 March 2014


A good night out followed by a takeaway. Why not? Now and again we all like to celebrate.
Next morning, step on the scales - disaster.
We've learned from this, and now we don't step on the scales the morning after the odd night out! Whatever the scales register they rarely make sense, particularly after some takeaways.
It's a situation we have seen many times… not just when we go out, but when we have eaten certain types of food - and we know it's a temporary situation. There are many reasons for weight fluctuation, so it makes good sense to only weigh yourself once a week. Or if you are curious, as we were at the beginning, weigh more often to help recognise there can be fluctuations in weight.
Just ask yourself - have you eaten enough calories to equate to the weight gain (and we've experienced some surprising and unusual big gains).
Knowing that 3,600 calories = approximately one pound in weight, the answer has always been 'no'. Just a rough count of the calories is all you need.
By ignoring these fluctuations in weight which can often be down to water balance, we just carry on as we are. The temporary 'gain' in weight disappears over the next couple of days.
It's helped us lose weight, keep it off and … be relaxed around food, drink and celebrations.
Do you know how many calories you are allowed each day?
We started this blog as a way of recording what we ate while losing weight. The blog is a food diary, and contains lots of recipes, tips and ideas about losing weight.
Here's the method that helped us to lose weight and how to FORGET DIETING
Copyright © forget dieting forever (2014), all rights reserved. Please do not copy any of this material without my express permission.

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